Open Source Libraries - Current Versions

I’m maintaining a number of open source Java libraries on Github. I have created modular versions for all of them, except JFreeChart (which will take some more time). Here is a summary of the latest version numbers, with the non-modular versions in the JDK8+ column and the modular versions in the JDK11+ column.

Library Description JDK8+ (non-modular) JDK11+ (modular)
JFreeChart Chart library for the Java platform 1.5.1 tbd
JFreeChart-FX JFreeChart extension for JavaFX 1.0.1 2.0
FXGraphics2D Bridge from Java2D to JavaFX 1.8 2.1
JFreeSVG SVG Graphics2D implementation 3.4 4.1
OrsonPDF PDF Graphics2D implementation 1.9 JFreePDF
JFreePDF PDF Graphics2D implementation OrsonPDF 2.0
Orson Charts 3D chart library 1.7 2.0
Orson Charts FX Orson Charts extension for JavaFX 1.0 2.0

I encourage people to use the modular versions of the libraries, but for those still using Java 8 the non-modular versions are still current.

Written on November 16, 2020